Solving the Productivity Paradox: Healthcare

Spencer Dorn, Vice Chair & Professor of Medicine, UNC, recently offered his take as it pertains to healthcare.

On LinkedIn, Dorn posed the question: “Is the core problem with electronic health records that they myopically focus on individual tools rather than workflows?”

He postulates that, “This certainly rings true in healthcare, where individual clinicians struggle to keep pace with an endless barrage of electronic messages and tasks, the bulk of which could be at least partially handled by other teammates.”

HURC is uniquely poised to overcome the burdens placed upon clinicians - with the ultimate goal of empowering doctors and nurses to focus solely on patient care. Dorn ends his post by stating: “to sustain our workforce and provide better care – and especially if we hope to harness AI to automate tasks – we must reevaluate and reorganize our work.”

At HURC, we agree - and we’re poised to implement these solutions today. Read Dorn’s full post here - and Contact HURC today.


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ACMA Annual Conference: New York Chapter